HALL HALL-O-WEEN 2014 Meet Info
(September 15, 2014- March 27, 2015)
Junior Seahawks | Mon., Wed., Fri – 5:30 – 6:30 pm |
Bronze | Mon – Fri 5:30- 6:30 pm |
Silver | Mon-Fri 6:30-8:00 pm (Dryland Tue. & Thu. 6:00-6:30 PM) |
Gold/JO’s | Mon-Fri 6:30-8:30 pm (Dryland Mon., Wed., Fri. 6:00-6:30 PM) |
The registration for the Fall/Winter season will be held in the Aquatics Office from 8/11-8/22 & 9/8-9/12
Please make your payment in the Aquatics Office.
If you make a payment at the front desk, please bring your receipt to Nadia or Anna so she can mark you as paid.
Last day of registration for all swimmers is Sept. 12nd, 1:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the Pool Classroom.
*If you need a payment plan, talk to Nadia or Anna regarding details.
Please read and print out the Swim Team application and policies on our website at www.cliftonseahawks.org. You cannot register without this information.
During registration you will get your group placement and schedule.
The practice for all swimmers will start on Monday, September 15th.
Congratulations to Samuel De Leon who placed 5th over all, Ali Elmasry placed 22nd over all, Vanessa Hernandez, Julia Bartoszewicz, Aman Nitro, Brandon Miller who represented our team at 2014 Eastern Zone Long Course Age Group Championship, August 6-9, 2014 at Richmond, Virginia.
Good Job Seahawks! Continue reading
Special congratulations to Samuel De Leon who placed 1st overall in boys 10 & under at the New Jersey Swimming Long Course Junior Olympics 2014.
Also, a huge congratulations to all our swimmers who qualified for the Eastern Zone Long Course Age Group Championship! Julia Bartoszewicz, Ali Elmasry, Samuel De Leon, Vanessa Hernandez, Brandon Matos, Brandon Miller, Aman Nitro, Nicole Shubaderov and Karyme Lozano!!!
FALL/WINTER 2014-2015 SEASON (Sept.-March)
Please follow the tryout schedule:
10 years old or younger on Monday, August 4 at 5:45 PM.
11 or 12 years old on Thursday, August 7 at 5:45 PM.
If you choose to have your child tryout, do not bring them during normal practice hours. Only bring them at the scheduled tryout time. The tryout will be one hour long. If you cannot make the tryout on time, please see Anna in the Aquatics office.
“JUNIOR OLYMPICS 2014” on Thursday July 24, Friday July 25, Saturday July 26 and Sunday July 27 at Rutgers University.